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 Abstract: This paper aims to investigate Shakespeare’s ideal monarchy through the analysis of the images of three kings in King Lear. With detailed analysis in various aspects, King Lear is proved an irresponsible king to his country and his people, King of France a foreign king influenced by humanism and capitalism, and Albany a new image of King with bravery, justice, responsibility and loyalty to British traditional morality. Through analysis and comparison, it can be revealed that Lear’s irresponsibility causes the destruction of his country and the distress of his citizens, that the foreign king, though influenced by humanism, is unable to save British people, and that the new King, who observes British traditional morality, keeps the supreme of national benefit in mind, and remains responsible for his country, is Shakespeare’s ideal monarchy.

Key words: King Lear, images of kings; ideal monarchy


摘要:本文对《李尔王》中的三位君主形象进行了分析,旨在探索莎士比亚的理想君主。 通过多方面分析,文章证明李尔王是对国家和人民不负责任的君主,法兰西国王是受到人文主义影响、有新兴资产阶级色彩的外国君主,而奥本尼是勇敢正义、恪守职责,且能对英国传统美德继承和发扬的新君主形象。通过对这三位君主的分析和比较,论文试图说明不负责任的君主将导致国家灭亡和人民受苦;而外国君主虽有人文主义精神,却无法拯救英国人民;只有能够承袭英国传统道德体系,坚持国家利益至上、对国家和人民负责的君主才是莎士比亚心目中理想的君主。

