
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(笑笑)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-07-21
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Abstract: This thesis makes a summary of Austen’s views on marriage in Pride and Prejudice. Through the discussion of four different marriages in the novel, this thesis concludes that, according to Jane Austen, three factors determine a happy marriage. True love is the foundation; attraction of personality is also a main factor that affects one’s marriage, and property is the guarantee of a perfect marriage. The author points out that there are also some limitations due to Austin’s social status and the social and historical environment in which she lived. First, she looked down upon those who marry for money, but attached too much importance to property in marriage subconsciously. Second, all the women in her novels do not have their own careers, so they have to rely on men. The results show that Austen’s novels and her views on marriage were progressive at that time and have great influence on modern women’s views on marriage. As the divorce rate is rising, this thesis aims to raise people’s awareness of marriage.

Key words: Pride and prejudice; marriage; Austen



