
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(笑笑)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-07-21
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Abstract: This paper reports on a research project concerning the organizational patterns of Chinese and English texts. The target is to figure out the specific differences that the representative samples show. One Chinese news text taken from Xinhua Net and one English news text taken from BBC are chosen for analysis for their similar topic. The analysis starts with identifying all the topic-shifts according to the specific criteria. Then the contents of each macro-proposition are summarized in the form of short captions, which constitute the outline of the text. The outline is then transposed into a tree-diagram, revealing the underlying structure of the text. The study finds that Chinese and English texts display different organizational patterns. Chinese texts show a higher degree of coordination, while English texts show a higher degree of subordination.

Key words: organizational pattern; contrastive analysis; tree-diagram



