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ABSTRACT:This study aims to find a meaningful way to teach grammar in rural middle school and to arouse the students’ interests to learn grammar. The grammar teaching problems and the possible reasons in rural middle school are analyzed in this study. This study takes Majie Middle School as an example, to compare the grammar teaching underlying the situational language teaching method with the traditional teaching method, it is easy to find out that situational language teaching method can arouse students’ learning interests and also can stimulate them to change their learning motivation. In addition, the situational language teaching method is helpful for students to memorize the grammar, but also helpful to improve their four basic abilities: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Keywords: rural middle school; grammar teaching; situational language teaching

method; traditional teaching method


摘 要:本文旨在为农村中学的语法教学提供一种有效的途径以及激发学生学习语法的兴趣。本文分析了农村中学语法教学存在的问题及其原因。本文以马街中学为例,通过情景教学法和传统教学法指导下的语法教学的对比发现,情景教学法不仅能够激起学生学习语法的兴趣,还可以促使他们改变原来的学习动机。另外,情景教学法所创设的情景有助于学生牢记语法知识,还有助于提高听说读写四项基本技能。

关键词:农村中学;语法教学; 情景教学法;传统教学法
