
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(笑笑)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-07-22
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ABSTRACT:Classroom questions have been traditionally viewed as an important component of foreign language teaching. The aim of this thesis is to study junior middle school questioning behavior, and it attempts to make an exploration of the teachers’ questioning behavior in class and their cognition of questioning. This thesis mainly explores the current situation and the major problems existing in classroom questions in middle school English teaching, and then gives some feasible strategies. 

  Through this research, the author found the major problems existing in classroom questions in middle school English teaching. The author hopes that this research can help English teachers to apply classroom questions properly and accomplish the teaching tasks more scientifically.

Key Words: English in middle school; questioning in class; the art of teaching question


摘 要:教师课堂提问一直被视作外语课堂教学的重要组成部分。本文针对中国初中英语的课堂提问行为进行研究,其研究内容包括教师的课堂提问行为、教师对于自己提问行为的认识。本文主要研究中学英语课堂提问的现状及存在问题,然后提出切实可行的课堂提问策略。


关键词:中学英语; 课堂提问; 提问艺术
