
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(笑笑)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-07-22
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Abstract:As a language, English is a kind of communicative tools. If the learner in junior middle school can cultivate fluent oral English, he can not only use English to communicate efficiently, but also lay the foundation for his further study and train his abilities in listening, speaking, reading and writing. 

   This thesis will point out the steps of operating activities in English class by analyzing the principles of classroom activity design of oral English teaching in junior middle school. The author will also use examples to demonstrate the specific process in order to build up a new type and student-centered oral English teaching model, thus to achieve the goal of improving the efficiency of oral English teaching in junior middle school and students’ oral English ability.

Key words: classroom activity design; oral English teaching; junior middle school; active




关键词:课堂活动设计; 英语口语教学; 初中; 活跃
