
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(笑笑)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-07-22
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Abstract:The McDonald’s Corporation is one of the most successful global restaurant chains around the world. They have used effective management and global expansion strategies to enter new markets and gain a share of the foreign fast food market. This case presents how McDonald’s has achieved this enormous success, its best practices in the global food industry, international growth trends and challenges, and various lessons that have been learned from their expansion in foreign countries. Overall, the case provides a discussion of how McDonald’s creates both customer and brand loyalty for their products and services. This case focuses on McDonald’s international success, challenges and marketing strategies and come to analyze enlightenment to a Chinese fast food.

Key words: McDonald’s; Fast-food industry; Management; Strategy; Chinese Fast-food



