
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(笑笑)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-07-22
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Abstract:Presently, when we go out and walk around in the street, we can see different kinds of coffee shops here and there, but we are amazed to find that Starbucks—a common chain of coffee shop which has been opened up all over the world—is an outstanding one that everyone loves. Especially in these recent three years, most Chinese people are crazy about it, and it keeps on growing at an astonishing speed. However, with more and more competitors joining in this field, Starbucks is facing a big challenge in running this business and it is even losing a large sum of money. In this thesis, the rise and decline of Starbucks are the author 's research focus. On one hand, the author hopes that research on the rise of Starbucks can encourage the local enterprises to learn some practical business skills and offer useful experience in their future development. On the other hand, the research on the decline of Starbucks may reveal the problems that most enterprises, the catering industry, in particular, now encounter with. And the purpose of the last chapter, suggestions for Starbucks is trying to solve the harsh situation that Starbucks is now facing, and more precisely, learning to forecast and deal with similar business predicament.

Key words:Starbucks; coffee; rise; decline; enterprise; predicament



