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ABSTRACT:Middle Victorian Era is the heyday of Britain cultural development. But at this time, the theme of many great writers’ works is on orphan, including Great Expectation and Jane Eyre. In these two works, Pip and Jane have strong character, kind nature and strong desire for knowledge, but they have different attitudes for love and money. This paper analyzes Pip and Jane's character, and makes further discussion on the factors affecting their character; it enables readers to have a profound understanding on orphans. Meanwhile, this paper aims to play an inspirational role on helping orphans in society to establish a right outlook on life, values, and good characters.

Keywords: Orphans; Characters; Comparative analysis; Affecting factors


摘  要:维多利亚时代中期是英国文化发展的全盛时期。而这一时期,许多伟大作家的作品都以孤儿为主题,《远大前程》和《简爱》也不例外。在这两部作品中,皮普和简爱同为孤儿,具有坚强的性格、善良的本性和强烈的求知欲,但他们对爱情和金钱却有着截然不同的态度。本文将对皮普和简爱的性格进行对比分析,并进一步阐述影响他们性格形成的因素,使读者对孤儿有更深刻的了解,同时文章旨在帮助社会中的孤儿树立正确的人生观、价值观以及良好性格起到启示作用。

关键词:孤儿;性格;对比分析; 影响因素
