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ABSTRACT:Treasure Island, one of the outstanding adventure novels of the late 19th century about the experience of seeking treasure, was written by the British writer, Robert Louis Stevenson. In general, novels usually reflect the social circumstances, and the roles in the novels are the microcosm of the different classes in that time. Therefore, according to the view of social-historical analysis, this thesis is mainly analyzing the spirit of adventure of main characters in the novel and its influence in Victorian Age. What is more, the spirit of adventure in Treasure Island which indirectly expresses the pursuits of material needs and the outside world for all sectors of British society is completely showed in all roles. Hence, it is necessary to give an interpretation of key figures and the spirit of adventure to penetrate this novel to study the social situation and peoples’ pursuits of money and social status of that time further.

Keywords: Treasure Island; British people; The spirit of adventure


摘  要:《金银岛》是英国19 世纪末罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森的代表作之一,这是一部关于寻找宝藏的探险小说。小说的写作内容及人物通常是一个社会时代背景的产物,所以小说的内容及人物必然以当时的社会环境及背景密切相关,间接反映当时社会人们的人生观、社会观、价值观等。本文从社会历史分析的角度出发,主要分析小说中的人物的冒险精神及其影响,进而说明小说中的这种冒险精神,是当时英国社会各阶层人士对金钱、物质生活、社会及外界追求的间接精神体现。对小说内容及主要人物的冒险精神进行解读,有利于我们更好地透过文学作品研究当时的英国社会背景及其当时英国人对金钱、社会地位的追求。

