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ABSTRACT:Moby Dick is written by Herman Melville, who is one of the greatest Romanticism writers in American literature in the nineteenth century. As his representative work, Moby Dick gains a highly praise from all over the world for the well-portrayed figure of the main character Ahab, who leads the “Pecord” and all the crews go to tragedy for his revenge. This thesis will illustrate Ahab’s death from his personality, the relationship between mankind and nature reflected in the novel and the angle of religion, as well as the writer’s opinion. Through which, the readers can have a better understanding on their characters, and then guide them towards success step by step. Meanwhile, this thesis also warns people that only mankind live with nature harmoniously, can they benefit from nature. Violate the law of nature, they will be punished seriously.  

Key Words: Moby Dick; Ahab; death


摘  要: 白鲸这部小说是19世纪美国浪漫主义作家赫尔曼·梅尔维尔的巨著,它向我们展示的是船长亚哈为复仇带领“裴廓德”号及其船员追杀白鲸,从而走向死亡的悲剧。本文将从亚哈的性格、小说中所反映出的人与自然的关系、宗教角度及笔者本人的观点来分析亚哈之死。通过以上分析,读者可以更好的来认识自己的性格特征,从而引导自己逐步走向成功。同时它也告诫人类:只有与大自然和谐相处才能从中获利,违背自然规律必将受到大自然的严厉惩罚。

