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Abstract:O • Henry, a famous American writer of critical realism, is one of the masters of short story in the world. “The Last Leaf” is one of O • Henry’s famous works. This paper attempts to find out the hidden emotional beauty in “The Last Leaf” from the angle of true feelings among people so that we can explore the existence of the true feelings and sum up the meaning of life. "Emotion" is a hollow noun, and it is just the illusory thing that always accompanies around us; "beauty" is a human feeling from deep heart, and it is just this intangible feeling that shocks our hearts. We believe that where there is a hope, there is a miracle.

Keywords: O • Henry; The Last Leaf; Emotional beauty; the meaning of life


摘  要:欧亨利是美国著名批判现实主义作家,世界三大短篇小说大师之一。《最后一片常青藤叶》是他众多著名作品中的一篇。本文试图从人与人之间真情美的角度来分析出隐藏在《最后一片常青藤叶》中的情感美,探索人间真情的存在,从而总结出人生的意义。“情感”是一个虚幻的名词,然而正是这样虚幻的东西时时刻刻陪伴在人们身边;“美”是人的一种心里感受,正是这种无形的感受震撼了我们的心灵。我们相信,只要希望还在,奇迹就会发生。

