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   This paper studies the relationship between cultures and translation of idioms. Firstly, this paper lays stress on the significance of translation of idioms and the importance of culture to the translation of idioms. Secondly, by analyzing the characteristics of Chinese idioms and English idioms, it comes up with some translation methods and principles for translation of idioms. Thirdly, many examples of translation of idioms are provided in this paper. Then the author proposes that we should not only consider to translate under two cultural backgrounds, but also pay attention to some translation methods, such as, literal translation, free translation, to reproduce the spirit of original idioms. 

   There are some limitations in this paper. Firstly, this paper just provides some idioms with their cultural context and more idioms in this paper need further explaination. Secondly, the coping strategies in this paper may be not reasonable. Therefore, this paper needs to study more deeperly from these two aspects.
