
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(阳の阳)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-07-27
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Abstract:The financial crisis has had much influence on foreign trade manufacturing industry in Dongguan. The amount of orders dropped sharply and many manufacturing enterprises went down. By analyzing the present situation of foreign trade manufacturing industry in Dongguan, experts from home and abroad offer solutions to deal with this crisis. This dissertation aims at providing solutions for foreign trade manufacturing industry in Dongguan by analyzing its common defects and learning from others. This dissertation offers solutions for foreign trade manufacturing industry in Dongguan by analyzing two typical examples, Smart Union and Midea Group. It is hoped that the findings of this dissertation will provide useful suggestions for foreign trade manufacturing industry in Dongguan.

Key Words: financial crisis;development;solution



关键词: 金融危机; 发展; 解决方案
