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Abstract: Cultural Hegemony refers to an action which a certain country, through the means of cultural expansion, spreads or imposes its values on the other countries so as to affect and change their values, behaviors, civilization patterns, and even the social system in the aim of taking control of them which cannot be achieved by military power. After the Cold War, the world structure has undergone dramatically changes. The United States became the only superpower around the world, and therefore its desire to take the position of the world leader intensified increasingly. Nowadays, under the economic globalization and political multi-polarisation, the military action is confined to a great extend among the great powers. Besides, the complete military intervention, economic oppression and political exploitation cannot achieve ideal results. Thus, the American government takes advantage of cultural hegemony through which it wants to take control of the other countries by expanding its culture.

Key words: the United States, cultural hegemony, “soft power”



关键词:美国, 文化霸权, 软实力
