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Abstract:This paper is to explore both the Chinese and English numeral idioms, and to discuss the translation strategies. A number is not only used as a counting and calculation tool, but also carries profound connotations, reflecting the unique culture of both China and English-speaking countries. As is known, numeral idioms are formed on the basis of a nation’s history, economy, culture, tradition and custom. Their meanings are beyond the simple sum of each word in the idioms, and much more profound than that of a single number. To correctly comprehend and properly translate numeral idioms calls for a wide range of background knowledge concerning the culture in both source language and target language. The translator should distinguish the literal, figurative and connotative meanings of the numeral idioms in the given context before they get down to translating them. The three mainly translation strategies, substitution, literal translation, free translation, are suggested to be carefully selected to make the rendition equivalent to the original numeral idioms as much as possible. 

Key words: culture; numeral idioms; connotation; translation



