
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(阳の阳)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-07-27
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Abstract:The implementation of New Curriculum Standard benefits for enhancing the quality of English teaching in middle school and it also improves the content of oriented education. However, the current condition of English education makes people feel frustrated in the most regions of rural areas. There are many barriers for these rural students to learn English. The paper will get information about the barriers of middle school students’ difficulties in English learning based on the questionnaire conducted in the Xinhua Middle School of Yuanmou County, Chuxiong prefecture. According to data analysis, the motivations of students, family environment, English teachers’ teaching behavior and school environment and condition are the main factors which have greatly impacted on middle school students’ difficulty in English learning in rural areas. Meanwhile, some countermeasures will be given to solve those barriers.

Keywords: Rural areas;Teaching English; Middle school students; Barriers; Solutions



