
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(阳の阳)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-07-27
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Abstract:A Bend in the River is one of the works of Naipaul who won the Noble Literal Prize in 2001. It primarily describes that Africa still engages in the chaotic and desperate situations after escaping from imperialist states' colonial aggression. In recent years, this novel is also abundantly researched both by overseas and domestic scholars. However, most of them tend to research the rootlessness, marginalized life or the pursuit of cultural identity of the main characters in the novel. This paper mainly concentrates on viewing Salim's outlooks on post-colonial Africa, i.e. he thinks that its environment is adverse, people are humble and society is chaotic. Meanwhile, this paper also analyzes the deep internal and external reasons leading to his negative outlooks on Africa. And it finally concludes that it will be a long and difficult way for Africa to win the real independence and prosperity.

Key words: A Bend in the River;Naipaul;Salim;outlooks on Africa



关键词: 河湾;奈保尔;萨林姆;非洲观
