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Abstract:Anxiety is one of the most important affective factors that most pervasively obstruct the FLL, which attracts more and more academic concerns of foreign or second language teaching worlds. As the increasing requirement of communication ability, the students become more stressful with the higher degree of anxiety, they’re always too nervous, worried, or even frightened. Consequently, many students may experience great obstacles and are weak at accuracy and fluency of speaking.

   The paper first summarizes some theories of foreign language classroom anxiety and then implements a survey in No.9 Middle School. The modified foreign language classroom anxiety scale is used (designed by Horwitz, 1986). According to questionnaire, the writer found that the language anxiety exist in rural junior middle school. They are communication apprehension, fear of negative evaluation and test anxiety, then author analysis the sources of anxiety in English learning in rural junior middle school.  

   Finally, for helping students reduce their language anxiety and improve their ability of using language, the paper gives some suggestions to reduce language anxiety. 

Key words: rural junior middle school students; language anxiety; sources of anxiety



   本论文回顾了心理学家和语言教学理论家关于焦虑的研究成果,然后以建水九中初一学生例进行了一项有关英语课堂焦虑因素的调查研究。笔者采取课堂焦虑量表问卷调查(问卷中关于焦虑问题的设计参考Horwitz, 1986)调查农村中学外语课堂焦虑情况。调查结果表明,农村中学生英语课堂上存在焦虑现象,分别是交际焦虑,负评价焦虑和考试焦虑,作者进而对造成农村中学生英语学习焦虑的原因进行了详细的分析。


