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Abstract:It is said that China’s economic and social achievements since the beginning of reform and opening have been unduplicated in world history. The people have reaped enormous benefits.

  However, these are likely to be outweighed by economic growth and energy supply is unlikely to rise as rapidly as energy demand.

  Entering a new development process, China is being challenged by different tough barriers such as the continued need to reform and modernize the economy and remain outstanding. But the knottiest problem arising from the success of high growth is energy consumption. 

  According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), China has already become the second largest country of energy consumption in the world and will surpass the United States to become the world’s largest one by 2010.

  Therefore, the objective of this essay is to show that it is EMC can help China face the challenge of energy consumption and it is the EPC which can help EMC meet the requiement of China’s development.

Key words: energy consumption; energy saving; EMC; EPC





