
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(xubanban)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-07
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ABSTRACT:With the development of economic globalization, English is becoming more and more vital and popular as the most widely used language. In China, many people begin learning English with full enthusiasm at very young age. However, it is difficult to master a foreign language. And among various learning factors, motivation plays an extremely important role in English learning. As early as in 1950s, Robert Gardner and Wallace Lambert distinguished the motivations into two types, instrumental motivation and integrative motivation. Since then, a lot of researches have certified that learners with integrative motivation would achieve more success in L2 learning. With the continuous progress of society, people also start to pay attention to the influence of integrative motivation in language learning. The essay mainly focuses on the relationship between the two types of motivation and the language achievement. According to the investigation made among 119 students in Senior High School of Pingbian, indeed the majority of students with integrative motivation can learn better and only some students with instrumental motivation can make a good performs in language learning. Both these motivations are crucial in process of leaning. And finally the author discusses the strategies on how to stir and maintain students’ learning motivation accordingly.

Key words: Instrumental Motivation; Integrative Motivation; Strategie


摘要:随着经济全球化的发展,英语作为使用最广泛的语言,已变得日益重要与受欢迎。因此,在中国,很多人在很小的时候就开始积极地学习英语。然而,掌握一门外语并不容易。在众多影响英语学习的因素中,动机起着举足轻重的作用。早在十八世纪五十年代, Gardner and Lambert 就把动机分成工具型动机和融入型动机两大类.此后大量研究都显示,在英语学习中,拥有融入型动机的人能取得成功。随着社会的不断进步,人们的观点也开始关注工具型动机对学生学习第二外语的影响。本论文旨在探究这两种动机与学习成就间的关系。作者通过对屏边高级中学119名学生的调查访问发现,在英语学习中,大多数拥有融入型动机的学生确实能取得更好的成功,但是,只有部分拥有工具型动机的学生能取得较好的成绩。通过这些探究,文章最后探讨了如何激发和保持学生积极的学习动机。

