Cross Cultural Differences in the Translation of English and Chinese Idioms.doc

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Abstract: The idiom is a very important part of the culture of a language and it is unique in the use of language. Idioms are fixed forms of expressions which are the essence of language and reflections of a nation’s culture and wisdom. As communication between countries is very important and translation is a very important part of communication, so the translation process is very important. However, in English and Chinese translation, idiomatic translation occupies a prominent place. It is of vital importance to understand the cultural differences so as to grasp their real meaning. This thesis intends to have a tentative study on the cultural differences in the Chinese and English idioms in terms of their geographical locations, climate, animals, food, historical events, fables, literary works, beliefs, religions and historical allusions and so on. It also introduces some useful translation skills to help achieve successful understanding between the two languages.


Key words: English; Chinese; idiom; cultural difference; translation
