The New Image of Woman - An Analysis of Jane Eyre.doc

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Abstract: Jane Eyre is a heroine in Jane Eyre written by Charlotte Bronte, a British famous realistic writer in the 20th century. By creating the new image of woman, Charlotte challenges the traditional patriarchal society. The paper tries to analyze the new women image of Jane Eyre. Jane shows her rebellious nature by resisting her aunt and the school president at a very young age. She pursues love in marriage, freedom in life, independence in fortune, which shows her strong feminist consciousness. Jane Eyre insists that marriage should be based on mutual understanding and equality, which reflects Jane Eyre’s courage to fight for human dignity and freedom. She works to prove her value and remain financial independence. Jane Eyre's intelligence laid the foundation for her economic independence. Economic independence provides guarantee for her independence in personality.


Key words: new women; respect; love; freedom; independence
