A corpus-based study on professional people’s group quantifiers in English.doc

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Abstract: The study of English is getting more and more important for college students, and in learning English, different kinds of collective quantifiers are playing significant role in English reading. Most of college students can not have a good command of the use of such collective quantifiers to understand a deeper meaning of the context, which may be harder for translating too, especially when these collective quantifiers are used to modify some nouns of professional groups. With the help of COCA, we can easily find that different professional groups have their corresponding quantifiers and know the similarities and differences between the different five major professional people’s group quantifiers. The study of professional people’s group quantifiers in English will help us to have a better understanding of the subtle differences of the classified jobs, which may help us improve the application of the English language. 


Key words: professional people’s group; collective quantifier; COCA
