On Skills of Business English Translation.doc

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Abstract: With the expansion of Chinese economy and deepening of opening-up reform, the interpretation and written translation of business English plays an important role in international trading practices. Business English is a specific branch of English, which has its own distinct features in words and sentences. Consequently, the translation skills of Business English are worth further study. This thesis aims to lead a detailed research on Business English interpretation and written translation skills and hopes to do make a contribution to international trading practices and translation teaching.

  The thesis is consists of three parts. The first part gives an introduction about Business English and compares two common branches of Business English translation: Interpretation and Written translation. The second part deals with the Business English interpretation. It has a detailed description about the criteria and categories of interpretation at the beginning, and then explains the skills from five important aspects of interpretation. The third part focuses on Business English Written translation skills including translation principles, common skills and steps.


Key Words: Business English translation; principle; interpretation; written translation
