Some Fresh Thoughts on English Teaching in Classroom--Quality Oriented Education.doc

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Abstract: Since the reform and opening policy, great changes have been taken place in Chinese education. English has been considered to be an important tool for us to know the world better. However, the situation of English language teaching in our country is not as good as we have expected. The examination oriented education in English teaching, especially, gives rise to people’s doubt and repulsion. To solve this problem, we must place more emphasis on adopting the quality oriented education in English and take various measures. If we spare on effort to carry out some effect measures we will succeed in cultivating the talents of the new generation who have a good command of English in the new century. In this paper, people will be told what quality-oriented education is. The author will focus on the quality-oriented education, analyze the current situation and existing problems of English education in China and give some suggestions and solutions to the existing problems. Some fresh thoughts on English teaching in classroom will be given.


Key words: English teaching; quality-oriented education; existing problems ;solutions 
