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Abstract:Jack London is one of the most realistic writers of America. The age he was living was the new period of America from the chaos in Civil War to the rapid economic advancement. However, behind the prosperity were crises everywhere. Jack London focused on the group that has been eliminated and overthrown by the brutal  materialistic society which was written in a naturalistic style. This paper will concentrate on analyzing naturalism embodied in White Fang and try to understand the beauty of this technique which is not only applied in the portrayal of the protagonist, but in the structure of the story.

   In the light of the technique of naturalism, this paper, makes a logical analysis of and discusses the background of the author, the story and its setting, the experience of the protagonist, to explain the strength of this technique which could help people distinguish the law behind every phenomenon and its causes.

Keywords: Naturalism, Environment, Heredity, Absence of Human Nature, Awakening


摘要:杰克·伦敦是美国最富有批判精神的现实主义作家之一, 他所生活的年代正是美国从内战的混乱中爬起,迎来新的经济高速发展的时期。然而那种歌舞升平,一片繁荣景象背后,却处处隐藏着危机。杰克·伦敦通过自然主义写作手法将自己的视线聚焦在被残酷的物欲社会所打倒的、被淘汰的那个群体。本论文通过分析《白牙》,让人们领会到其中绝妙的自然主义写作手法,这种风格艺术不仅运用在对主人公性格的描述上,也贯穿于整个故事的结构之中。


