
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(isis)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-14
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Abstract:Modern society is the society of information, which requires people to obtain useful information quickly in limited time, especially for English learners. How to be an accelerated reader is the top priority for English learners.

  However, the improvement of reading speed can not be accomplished in one move. It is influenced and restricted by some obstacles, which are vocabulary and grammar, poor reading habits, different thinking patterns between Chinese and English, reading motivation and reading psychology. This thesis aims at analyzing these obstacles that hinder English learners from reading quickly and effectively. Then this thesis comes out some solutions to get rid of the obstacles in English reading.

Key words: accelerated reader; reading speed; obstacles; solutions



  但是阅读速度的提高不是一蹴而就的事情。它受到很多因素的制约,例如词汇与语法, 错误的阅读习惯,中英思维方式的不同以及阅读动机与阅读心理。本文旨在分析影响英语学习者阅读速度提高的主要障碍,并提出相对应的解决方法,

