
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(isis)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-14
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Abstract:Emotion factor is an important factor in English teaching and learning. However, many English teachers attach too much importance to cognitive side of language and neglect the function of emotion factors.

   The psychological research indicated that, in many aspects, emotional attitudes have direct or indirect learning effect, especially in English teaching. Positive emotion can be a catalyst in students’ learning motivation, the enthusiasm of learning English, harmony of the classroom atmosphere that it can help the teacher achieve better teaching quality and learning effects. On the contrary, negative emotion can be a great obstacle in the teaching process and the achievement of the learning effects. Thus the main path to cultivate students’ positive emotion, dismiss their negative emotion and improve their personalities is to adopt a tactic of emotional teaching. Consequently, positive and optimistic emotional attitudes and active characters can be good for students committing themselves to the language learning, reaching their potential of English learning and improving their learning effects. 

   This paper tries to discuss how the teacher should learn to make use of emotion factors in English teaching to instruct the students in English learning within a linguistic context. The emotion of the teacher and the students can affect each other. Thus, the teacher should play an importance on the application of emotion in the English teaching to achieve the success in the English teaching during the course. 

Key Words: emotion factor; teaching methods; influence; motivation; encouragement





