
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(isis)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-14
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Abstract:Language, as an important carrier of social development, is supposed to be synchronized with it. The rapid development of politics, economy in modern society, the consistent progress of science and technology, the increasingly frequent cross-culture communication as well as the prevalence of the Internet has produced a great number of English neologisms. Being a prism of western social life, English neologisms reflect the new idea, new life and new value of modern western people. Hence, the research on English neologisms is of great significance in many aspects such as linguistics, culturology and sociology. It not only benefits the research on English renewal and changes, but also facilitates the international exchange of science and culture.

  This thesis, which focuses on English neologisms created after World War Ⅱ, will firstly give a relatively clear definition to “Neologism”, then the formation and translation skills of English neologisms will be analyzed. Further, we will undertake discussing with respect to the sources or underlying reasons for their existence, and finally make some forecast of developing trend of English neologisms. The innovation of this thesis as follows: in the future, the new coinage of English neologisms will tend to be efficient and mass-produced, and Chinese will be a great source of English neologisms.

Key words: English neologism; word formation; translation; sources; prospect




