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Abstract:English is the most widely used language in the world. It is also China's first foreign language; therefore Chinese universities open it up as major frequently. Along with the deepening of reform and opening up and the speed up of internationalization, as well as the continuous improvement of China's international status, China's foreign trade and cultural exchanges develop rapidly. At the same time, problem has been raised that there are not enough interpretors meeting the require of market, further, what the market really need is the one who can really handle English well. To English language learners of china, their general strength is "reading" and "listening", but their speaking level is generally lagged behind other countries’ English learners.

   From "China's first English-Chinese Interpretation Theory and Teaching Seminar"(1996) to "the Fifth National Interpretation practice, teaching and research conference"(2004), an eight years’ basic outlines has been made. The development of China's interpretation of is bumpy, however it changes with each passing day and the direction toward profession has been developped. The literature of interpretation emerge quickly. Such as "personnel training interpreters and interpretation research" Guo LanYing (2007) "Interpretation theoretical study" Zhang Wen. Han Changhui (2006) "Interpretation Theory Overview" Bao Gang (2005). From there reports, we can tell that more and more people focus on the field of interpretation.

Key words: negotiation; oral English; training



   从1996年“首届中国英汉口译理论与教学研讨会”,到2004年“第五届全国口译实践、教学与研究会议”,基本勾勒出8年来中国口译发展的轨迹,道路虽有崎岖不平,却是日新月异,向着专业化的道路发展。针对口译方面的文献也不断涌现。如《口译与口译人才培养研究》郭兰英(2007) 《口译理论研究》张文.韩常慧(2006) 《口译理论概述》鲍刚(2005)。由此我们不难看到国人对口译领域的越渐重视。

关键词:英语; 口语; 培训
