
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(isis)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-14
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Abstract:There are a few research results for the English euphemism currently both here and abroad. They are published in numerous books, periodicals and magazines including the analysis of the development and changes of Euphemism, social utility, pragmatic analysis and its application, etc.. However, most of these studies do not make the focal points standout, and most of them are based on containing all aspects of Euphemism.

  This paper focuses on the content areas of English euphemism. It tries to research into connotation of euphemism, especially the classification and practical use of euphemism in words and expressions of English daily life with a lot of examples.

Key words: English euphemism; development; social utility; application; connotation




