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Abstract:Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) is a well-known American writer and journalist. The Old Man and Sea is the masterpiece of Hemingway. This work has a variety of meanings. Reading this work from the eco-consciousness point of view and analyzing the environmental awareness reflected in it, we can grasp the truth of life, drop off the habitual values of anthropocentrism and build up the correct ecological ideology. This paper illustrates the eco-consciousness reflected in The Old Man and the Sea. Through such analysis the author hopes readers can make a better appreciation of The Old Man and the Sea and reconsider the relationship between man and nature. 

Key Words: eco-consciousness; nature; The Old Man and the Sea; Hemingway



关键词:生态意识; 自然; 老人与海;海明威
