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Abstract:After China entered WTO,the traditional marketing barrier has been gradually broken by the process of integration of the global economy. China’s old relatively independent marketing mode is perfectly placed by market economy in an international environment. China has entered an era of fierce competition. Under this situation, all the business have to do in-depth of integration in product development, marketing channels and market mode, make strategic adjustment to the narrow-minded thinking under the opening environment, in order to open up a more scientific and effective way to making money. With the rapid development of China's market economy, the concept and mode of product’s distribution has changed dramatically, the trend of the transformation of distribution channel is imperative. Therefore, as the popular marketing mode “direct selling” in western has become the focus by people's attention. As the world’s largest and most successful direct selling company, Amway has almost an equal sign on the direct selling mode in the public mind. Today, Amway Corporation has successfully accessed to the Chinese market; its unique direct selling mode and marketing strategy bring new things to the Chinese market. Also, it brings new inspiration to Chinese enterprises. Especially under today's legal and illegal selling mode, we have to discuss this multinational business company’s development experience, so that we can learn from the Amway Corporation which can be utilized by ourselves.

Key words: direct selling mode; Amway (China); marketing strategy




关键词:直销模式,安利(中国), 市场策略
