
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(isis)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-16
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Abstract:There are numerous methods and unique perspectives to appreciate a poem. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is a romantic poet of American in the nineteenth century. His “A psalm of Life” was called “the heart beat of America”. The paper analyses this poem. The thesis writer analyses the beauty of poem from four aspects: the beauty of structure, the beauty of depiction, the beauty of rhetoric and the beauty of spirit. Through analyzing, we know that Longfellow’s writing skills are very typical and the poem reveals the beauty of writing to its full length. The thesis writer hopes this paper will be useful to poetry-lovers to promote their understanding of this poem, and people can learn some skills of appreciation. It is hoped that this paper can help people appreciate this and other similar poems in the future.

Key words: Longfellow; “A Psalm of Life”; beauty; appreciation



关键词:朗费罗; 人生颂; 美感; 赏析
