
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(isis)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-16
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Abstract:Oh, captain! My captain! was written by celebrated American poet Walt Whitman to commemorate the president Lincoln. In this poem, Whitman combined the rhythm of the traditional poetry with unique rhetoric devices thus strengthen the tragic atmosphere. 

   This paper will analyze the poem from three aspects: content, rhetorical techniques, and the artistic feature of form. The rhetorical techniques mainly focus on the following four areas: repetition, metaphor, imagery and apostrophe. Through the analyzing, readers may understand how these rhetorical devices make language more accurate, vivid and powerful, as well as how to highlight the poet’s sincere and strong emotion. In addition, this paper also probes into another characteristic of the poem: the contrast of form and content as well as the use of static and dynamic, and analyses how they enhance the performance of this poetry. I hope this analysis in my paper can help people to understand Walt Whitman’s writing style and his techniques better. 

Key words: Walt Whitman; captain; rhetorical techniques; static and dynamic




