
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(isis)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-16
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Abstract:With the growth of international trade, products have met with more and more opportunities and more competition than ever. A successful trademark plays an important role in entering the international market. Now trademark translation is arousing increasing attention on the part of corporations and scholars. Trademark translation has the characteristics of commerciality and practicability. Because of its special characteristics, trademark translation needs a certain theory as its guidance. 

   This thesis introduces some elementary knowledge of trademarks, including trademarks’ definition, classification and functions. Next, based on the current situation of trademark translation, the thesis puts forward the Functional Equivalence theory put forward by E. A. Nida. Under the guidance of this theory, this thesis introduces four translation techniques: transliteration, literal translation, combined way of transliteration and meaning implication, and renaming. With the theory of functional equivalence taken into consideration in trademark translation, it will help to improve the quality of trademark translation and to make more profits in international trade.

Key words: trademark translation; functional equivalence; translating method



关键词: 商标翻译;功能对等;翻译方法
