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Abstract:With the development of society, English teaching in high should becoming more and more important, especially oral English teaching. Take Lan Cang No.1Middle School as an example, to find out the difficulties in oral English teaching, through analysis at Lan Cang No.1 Middle School, to find out the solutions that can improve oral English teaching. 

Key words: Oral English teaching; solutions to difficulties; analyze


摘  要:随着社会的不断进步,英语口语教学在中学英语中的地位和作用越来越重要,尤其是高中的英语口语。但是,仍有好多学校依然不够重视英语口语教学。本文通过对澜沧一中高中英语口语教学现状中存有的问题进行调查和分析,针对问题做出分析并得到相应的结论。

