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Abstract:Cultural differences are the main barrier of intercultural communication.  Now, the world is walking towards globalization and integration. Therefore, studying culture differences become very important in order to promote intercultural communication. When we study culture, it is not difficult for us to find out that a value system is an important factor in intercultural communication. Meanwhile, values are the core of culture; different cultures can be distinguished by different values. Personal advertisement is the epitome of a nation’s cultural evaluation and the features of our times. Today, intercultural communication becomes one of the characteristics of the times. The view of “seek common ground while reserving differences” will promote mutual understanding and communicating between different cultures. 

Key Words: culture difference; personal ads; values; intercultural communication


摘  要:文化差异是跨文化交际的主要障碍。世界正朝着全球化、一体化方向发展,研究文化差异对于跨文化交际显得尤为重要。研究文化, 我们不难发现,价值体系是影响跨文化交际的重要因素。同时,价值观念是文化的核心,人们可以根据不同的价值观念区分不同的文化。而“征婚广告也许是一个民族文化价值观念和时代风尚最集中的体现。”在跨文化交际成为时代特点的今天。克服“本文化至上”,尊重不同文化,允许“求同存异”将有利于增进不同文化之间的理解与交流。

关键词: 文化差异;  征婚广告;  价值观;  跨文化交际
