
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(isis)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-17
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Abstract:The paper makes a comparative study of eight translations of Li Shangyin’s poem “Untitled”. By discussing the failure and success of these versions, the author presents problems needing attention in poem translation:  phonetic beauty, semantic beauty, faithfulness and tone of the poem.

Key words: translation; poem; “Untitled”; Li Shangyin


摘  要:这篇论文通过对李商隐的一首无题诗的八种译本进行比较研究,在比较的同时,讨论八个译本的得失,最后提出诗歌翻译应注意的四个问题:音美、意美、忠实性、诗歌的口吻。

