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Abstract:Different nations have different cultures, and different cultures lead to different directions of values. There are many differences existing between America and china, American emphasize individual but China has a regard for human relationship. The author begins by discussing the causes for forming the two different cultures simply from two main aspects. And then follows the comparison of the two different cultures, and their reflections in dealing with work There are three major parts in this paper. The first part is the comparison of the Chinese interpersonal relationship and the American independence. The second part is the Chinese relation-building culture and the western goal-orienting culture, embodied especially in their work styles. Part Three is their different friendship patterns. The focus of analyses in this paper is on the above parts. 

Key words: relationship; culture; individual; direction of value


摘  要:不同的民族有不同的文化,不同的文化形成不同的价值取向。东西方文化之间存在着诸多的不同。中国和美国文化是典型的中西方文化的代表,西方文化中,一直强调个体为本的价值观。中国传统文化受儒家思想中重视人际关系的影响,是集体取向或者说关系取向文化。本文首先简要的分析形成这两种不同文化的原因,继而比较两种文化之不同,最后从他们各自不同的工作关系及友谊两个方面来具体体现他们的不同。文章有三个主要构成部分:首先是中国人际关系与美国个体本位的比较;其次谈到中国人强调建立关系和美国人目的导向的工作方式;最后是中美不同的友情模式。

