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Abstract:This paper focuses on the cultural differences and similarities reflected in table manners of China and the U.S.A. With the increasing contact between China and the U.S.A, a better understanding of the culture between these two countries is of growing importance. Table manners are of great importance in cultural communication. The main reason that causes the difference in table manners of China and the U.S.A is culture. Through the explanation of these differences and similarities caused by cultures, this paper will provide people with some general ideas to help them have a better understanding of these two countries.

Key words: table manners; China; the U.S.A; value; custom


摘  要:本文从探讨了中美餐桌礼仪文化上的异同。随着中美之间交流的增强, 了解两国文化显得越来越重要。餐桌礼仪作为一种重要的文化, 在文化交流中起着基础作用。作为两个不同的国家,文化的差异造成了餐桌礼仪的差异。通过对文化的解释和分析,这篇论文将给在两国之间进行交流的人提供一些有用的知识。

关键词:餐桌礼仪;中国; 美国;价值观; 习俗
