
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(isis)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-17
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Abstract:In this thesis the author tries to do some research and to discuss the method commonly used in the Translation of English-American Literatures — Domestication and Foreignization. In translation, domestication means eliminating all the exoticness or strangeness in the source text so that the translation text can be read like the target-languange text. But foreignization is a completely opposite approach. By using this way, the exotic nature of the source language in the translation will be retained in maximum. Through the study of literary translation both in ancient and modern times, the roles and functions of the domestication and foreignization in the literary translation will be elaborated. In addition, the cultural factors on the impact of literary translation, the relationship of culture, language and translsation, the cultural barriers should be also paid attention to so that some cultural barriers of translation can be solved. Then the author quotes some examples from the well-known British novel "Dr. Jekyll" to analyze the role of domestication and foreignization in literary translation. And finally a conclusin has been reached about how to make better use of skills of domestication and foreignization in literary translation.

Key words: literary translation; domestication and foreignization; cultural factors; relations and adoption; "Dr. Jekyll"



