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Abstract:Based on the analysis of Jane Eyre’s character in the novel Jane Eyre as well as her background, experiences and love, this essay focuses on the specialties and brilliance of Jane Eyre’s independence and self-esteem. What’s more, this essay expatiates how the author of Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte portrays Jane’s character according to her own experience and character. In addition, the influence and   enlightenment of Jane Eyre’s independence and self-esteem are illustrated in this essay. Though she is short, not pretty and having low class origin, Jane overcame a great many difficulties and finally gained her true love with her independence, self-esteem and strong will. In this paper I will make a study of the subject and elaborate it through research questions as follows: What outstanding character does Jane Eyre possess and how is it incarnated in the novel? What does Jane’s character bring her and what can we learn from it? How does the author, Charlotte Bronte portray Jane’s character?

Key Words:  independence, self-esteem, strong will


摘要:本文以对《简·爱》中女主人公简·爱的性格分析为主线,结合她的生活背景,经历以及爱情,进一步剖析她的独立与自尊在她所处的时代背景中的独特与闪光之处。本文还将结合作者的性格,将其对主人公的塑造稍加说明, 并阐述简爱的性格对后人的启迪作用。尽管简·爱地位卑微,身材矮小并且并不漂亮,但她凭借自己独立的性格,强烈的自尊心以及坚强的意志克服了重重困难,并且最终收获了美好的爱情。本文将围绕下列几大问题具体展开,并将其融会贯通:与同时代的女性相比,简·爱有着怎样突出的性格?小说是如何体现她的这些性格的?简·爱的性格给她带来了怎样的命运以及我们从她的性格中学到了什么? 作者是如何对简·爱的性格进行塑造的?

