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Abstract:M. Mc Carthy (1990) indicated, “No matter how good one’s grammar is and how beautiful one’s pronunciation is, but if one has no adequate vocabulary to express one’s own feelings or to understand others’ opinions, one still cannot communicate with others in this language.” Vocabulary the most important one of the three major components (grammar, pronounciation and vocabulary) that constitute English language, is the foundation of any kind of communication. However, vocabulary learning is the most difficult task in students’ study. It is, therefore, especially important to study vocabulary learning strategies. Vocabulary learning consists of metacognitive strategies, cognitive strategies, social/affection strategies.

Key words: vocabulary; learning strategy; metacognitive strategy; cognitive strategy; social/affection strategy


摘要:语言学家M.McCarthy (1990) 指出:“不管一个人的语法学得多好,不管他的语音多么漂亮,但是如果他没有足够的词汇来表达他的感情或理解对方的观点和想法,他就无法用这门语言和别人交流。”在构成语言三大要素中(语法、语音和词汇),词汇最重要的,它是进行任何交流的基础。然而,词汇学习却是学生感到最困难的学习任务。所以研究词汇学习策略就显得尤为重要。词汇学习策略包括元认知策略、认知策略、社交/情感策略三大类。

