
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(isis)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-17
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Abstract:As the important position of words in English teaching is approved by people gradually, domestic English teaching profession’s researches on English vocabulary teaching are developed. And more and more researchers become interested in the issue. Knowing a word entails much more than just knowing its meaning. Language acquisition is the process by which humans acquire the capacity to perceive, produce and use words to understand and communicate. Learning words incidentally through reading is an important way for language learners to expand their vocabulary. It is also an extensively researched topic in the field of language acquisition. Vocabulary plays a very important role when English majors study English. This dissertation makes a research on incidental vocabulary acquisition and introduces a great deal of methods to expand vocabulary. The dissertation applies the methods of incidental vocabulary acquisition to reading.

Key words: English majors; English vocabulary;incidental vocabulary acquisition



