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Abstract:Aestheticism is a popular trend of thoughts flourishing from the middle decades of the 19th century. It originated in poetry, and then seen in novels and dramas. The chief proposition of aestheticism is “art for art’s sake” theory. Aesthetic writing is skillful writing which separates from the real society.

   The real representative of aestheticism is Oscar Wilde (1856-1900). He is the practical writer of aestheticism and the spokesman of it. The aesthetic fairy tales are an undividable part of Wilde’s writings. The loss and gain of fairy tales relate to aestheticism and without them we can not realize the essential value of aestheticism. The positive value of aesthetic fairy tales should hold our attention, for it provides us much experience to current fairy tale writings and has a positive effect to promote an artistic taste of fairy tales while enhances inartistic and charming work of art.

Key words: aestheticism; Oscar Wilde; art; fairy tales; the happy prince




