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Abstract:We are confronting with an age of transformation; an age belongs to the Knowledge-Based Economy. Peter Drucker, the famous management scholar, calls it an age of “Post-Capitalism”, while Follett, the English scholar, names it High-Technology Based Economy. In 1996, the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) proposed the definition of Knowledge-Based Economy, and firstly clearly defined it as the new economy indicator. From the economists’ viewpoint, the definition of production is no longer the capital, nor the natural resources such as mineral, lumber, but the knowledge itself. It was the demands of age that lead to the boom of Knowledge Management.

   This paper will concentrate on the discussion of why Knowledge Management is important and the analysis of Knowledge Management. Furthermore, by analyzing the practice of Knowledge Management System, this paper is making an attempt to discuss the significance and effect of carrying out Knowledge Management in modern enterprise operation, to bring a new thinking pattern and opportunity for the development of the modern enterprises. 

Key words: Knowledge Based Economy; Knowledge Management System; Modern Enterprise; Knowledge; Development.




