
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(isis)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-18
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Abstract:During cross-cultural communication, colors have the same visual effects on Chinese and Westerners,but they also reflect the view of value and the aesthetic standard of people. Colors play a very important part in culture and language. They have the special linguistic functions and cultural implications. They reflect the consciousness of color in each nation and its traditional culture. Understanding of color is an important part in recognizing the outside world and learning experiences of human beings. There is no language without colors. Colors are closely related to human life.

   With the continuous development of human civilization, colors have been continuously enriched accordingly. They have derived many new meanings from the original meanings and make human language become richer and more colorful.

   This dissertation first of all provides the definition of colors. Then it compares the cultural differences of colors from different angles: psychology, history tradition, religious beliefs, customs and emotions. After that, this thesis probes into their influences on languages and culture, pointing out the similarities and differences between Chinese and English. Finally, it discusses a bit color’s impact on clothing. Historically, the color of costume often plays a distinguishable role in different social strata. It is a mirror that reflects the history and culture between east and west.

Key words: colors;cultural differences;taboo


摘要:在跨文化交际中,颜色对中英民族来说,具有相同的视觉效果, 但在某种程度上也会体现不同的价值观和审美观。颜色是每一个民族文化和语言中不可缺少的重要部分,它有独特的语言功能和文化象征意义,反映着一个民族独到的色彩意义和文化传统。人类对颜色的认识是人类对外部世界认知和经验的重要组成部分。世界上还未发现一种完全没有颜色的语言。




