
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(isis)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-18
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Abstract:Nowadays, English has become increasingly important. People begin to learn English with full enthusiasm from younger age. Learning a foreign language is not a simple and easy job but sometimes boring and dull. Motivation is critical in English learning. Thus, how could the students be effectively motivated in English learning becomes an important issue. Motivation has always been regarded as an important factor of English learning. The purpose of learning English is to gain knowledge and to use English for communication with foreigners. This thesis paper would use theoretical reference and questionnaire survey as research method, trying to find out the motivating situation of the students. Moreover, this thesis would list some useful strategies that could help the teachers motivate students better. This thesis expounds the necessity of better motivating students, the condition of the students’ motivation would be analyzed, trying to figure out which places the students in business English should be more motivated, and how teachers could do to better motivate their students would be presented.

Key words: motivation; English learning; business English; ways


摘 要:时至今日,英语的作用越趋明显。人们从年轻时便以冲劲开始学习英语。英语的学习有时候不仅仅只是一项简单轻松的事情,它可能也会让人感觉枯燥乏味。学习动机在英语学习过程中显得尤为重要。因为这样,如何有效改善学生学习英语过程中的学习动机已经成为一项重要课题。学习动机被视为学习英语的重要因素。学生为了能够利用英语来获取知识并能够与外国人有效交流而学习英语。本论文将从文献综述以及问卷调查两个角度来进展,试图了解学生学习动机的情况。此论文更将提出一些有效策略来提高学生的学习动机。论文涵盖学习英语必要性的说明,学生动机情况的分析,学生学习动机培养的侧重方面,以及教师如何更有效提高学生动机培养的方法。

